I've seen Benvenuti al Sud, in fact it was assigned to me by my teacher about 8 years ago, back when a full film took up a lot of your hard drive. Italians love their films about sophisticated Milanesi finding true meaning and purpose among the "terroni".

I thought Italy had 21 regions - are you counting Val d'Aosta?

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Wikipedia and the maps I've looked at on other sites have 20... And yes, I'm counting Val d'Aosta - that's one of the three that I haven't been to yet. The others are Friuli-Vezezia Giulia and Sardinia.

My students liked Benvenuti al Sud, but not as much as I did. The director and star of the original French version (Danny Boon) has a cameo as a client in the post office.

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Oh, you are right, I don't know where I got 21.

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